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Working Stability Test (WST)



Working Suitability Test (WST)
Failure to pass any one part of the WST results in an automatic fail and prevents the team from moving on to the next portion of the WST. The order is always to be obedience first followed by protection. An verbal evaluation will follow the completion of each test.
Obedience Test
Each exercise begins and ends with the basic position. The dog sits at the handlers left side in a straight, calm and attentive manner next to the handler with his right shoulder even with the handler’s knee. Any portion of the test can be performed off leash but the leash must be removed from the beginning of exercise 1. The leash must be held in the left hand loosely with a "J" in the lead. The dog must come to an automatic sit when the handler stops without a command given. When the handler starts walking again a heel command may be given. Any handler help, forging or lagging will result in a point deduction. The obedience portion is a pass/fail but 35 out of 50 points must be obtained.
Exercise 1/ Heeling on Leash (20 points)
From the basic position, with the dog wearing a choke chain/fur saver on the dead ring, the team heels straight out a minimum of 40 paces without stopping, does an about turn and heels a minimum of 10 paces at a normal pace. Then the team proceeds with the change of pace portion with a minimum of 10 paces fast and then a minimum of 10 paces very slowly with NO normal pace in-between. Resume to a normal pace and proceed a minimum of 10 paces and then execute a right turn. Team will proceed a minimum of 10 paces and execute another right turn followed by a minimum of 10 paces and execute an about turn and proceed a minimum of 5 paces and stop; all of which form the classic J-pattern. During the first 40 paces of heeling, 2 gunshots will be fired, at 5 second intervals at approximately 15 paces. Dogs displaying gun shyness will be disqualified. Mild reaction or excitability is acceptable but indifference is preferred.
Exercise 2/ Heeling through group (10 points)
At the judge’s order, the handler will heel forward a minimum of 5 paces and then execute a left turn and proceed into a group of a minimum of 4 people. The handler must execute a figure eight that takes it to the left and right around two different people in the group. The handler will then stop in the middle of the group. The group, at the judge’s command will slowly crowd the team while the dog remains in the basic position. The judge will then dismiss the group and the team will proceed forward a minimum of 10 paces and stop.
Exercise 3/ Sit in motion (10 points)
From the basic position, the team heels a minimum of 10 paces forward and the handler gives the sit command, drops the leash, and continues 30 paces forward, without a double command, stopping, changing pace, or looking back. At 30 paces, the handler will halt and turn facing the dog. On the judge’s signal, the handler returns to the dog and resumes basic position and then proceeds back to where the exercise began.
Exercise 4/ Down in Motion with Recall (10 points)
From the basic position, the team heels a minimum of 10 paces forward and the handler gives the down command, drops the leash, and continues 30 paces forward, without a double command, stopping, changing pace, or looking back. At 30 paces, the handler will halt and turn around and face the dog. On the judge’s signal the handler recalls the dog. The dog should run quickly and sit directly in front of handler. The dog should then return to the basic position, after a short pause.
That completes the obedience exercises.
Protection Test
One blind will be set up on the field and the dog will be wearing a choke chain/fur saver on the dead ring. The decoy can be out fitted with a sleeve or suit depending on the team’s training and preference. This exercise is a pass/fail but a minimum of 35 points must be obtained. Dogs who don’t guard cleanly, bump, lose focus and/or re-grip do not automatically fail but it will be reflected in the evaluation. Any dog that leaves the decoy during the guard fails.
Exercise 1/Attack out of the Blind (25 points)
The team will report to the judge and proceed to grab the dogs collar and remove the leash. The decoy will be hidden in the first blind. The team will then proceed towards the blind. Approximately 12 feet away the decoy will run out of the blind heading directly at the team yelling and threatening with a padded stick. The handler will send the dog immediately when the decoy exits the blind. The decoy will drive the dog after it engages, and apply two stick hits with an interval of 2 to 3 steps between hits. If the dog fails to grip the decoy or falls off at any time the decoy must continue to drive the dog. If the dog re-engages and grips the decoy the exercise will continue. The decoy then locks up facing the judge and handler. The handler gives the out command from the original area they sent the dog from. After the dog outs and when commanded by the judge, the handler can go pick up the dog by the collar. The handler has 3 opportunities to out the dog. If the first and second out command are unsuccessful, upon the judge's command, the handler can approach the dog without touching for the third and final out. The dog must intensely guard the decoy (barking is not mandatory). After the out command, the dog must maintain the guard until picked up by the handler. The decoy will then step away from the team, team will heel to start line.
Exercise 2/ Courage Test (25 points)
The decoy will turn and run, in an L-Pattern, heading directly towards the team in a threatening manner. Upon judge's signal, the handler gives one command and releases the dog towards the decoy. The dog will run toward the decoy immediately, without hesitation, and demonstrate full engagement to the bite. If the dog does not engage the decoy or comes off the bite and does not re-engage the decoy, the dog fails. The decoy will drive the dog, without stick hits, until the judge signals to stop. The decoy then locks up facing the judge and handler. The handler gives the out command from the original area they sent the dog from. After the dog outs and when commanded by the judge the handler can go pick up the dog by the collar. The handler has three opportunities to out the dog. If the first and second out command are unsuccessful, upon the judges command, the handler can approach the dog, without touching for the third and final out. The dog must intensely guard the decoy (barking is not mandatory). After the out command the dog must maintain the guard until picked up by the handler.
That completes the protection exercises and concludes the WST