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The IDCTT is a pass/fail test. No points are awarded. A 4-6ft leash attached to a flat collar, choker or fur saver attached to the dead ring only. *Absolutely NO prong collars allowed*
Teams must demonstrate a controlled heel throughout all phases of the test.
Dogs must pass all phases in order to earn an IDCTT Title. ​Once a team fails an exercise, they will be dismissed from the field and not be allowed to finish all other exercises
** A GDT is NOT required to compete for your IDCTT Title **
Start/Phase 1 - Greeting the Judge
Judge will call the team forward to a designated area. A greeting will take place as the Judge introduces himself to the handler, shaking hands and a 5 - 10 second conversation. The dog must remain in a calm and controlled state.
Phase 2 - Obedience on a loose lead
Exercise will be marked out in 10 pace increments. Team will begin on Judges direction in a controlled heel forward 10 paces to a designated area, stop and sit. On Judges direction, team will heel forward 10 paces, left turn, heel forward 10 paces to designated area, stop and down dog. On judges instruction, heel forward 10 paces, right turn, heel forward 10 paces to finish.
Phase 3 - Heeling through Obstacles
On Judges instruction team will heel forward and across the first obstacle being an 8ft tarp (dogs must cross the tarp with confidence but can show curiosity, but must not show any signs of fear or uncertainty. ). At designated area, turn left heeling across second obstacle , an 8 foot toy pit (Dogs must not touch any of the toys ). Team will continue to the Judge, halt and sit.
Phase 4 - Heeling through a Crowd
On Judges instruction, the team will heel towards the center of the field where there will be a group of 4-6 people. The team will heel in a figure eight pattern around 2 of the people, then continue to heel back to the Judge at the starting point.
Phase 5 - Unsupervised handler control
At designated area, handler will place dog in a controlled position (sit or down) and walk to a designated area out of the dogs sight where he/she will remain until instructed by the Judge (approx. 60 seconds) to return to your dog. Dog must not leave place until handler comes back to pick him up.
The judge may call a halt to the test at any time for any of the following reasons:
Dog can NOT show any signs of uncertainty
Overly aggressive, nervous or excessively shy dogs
Absolutely NO aggressive gestures towards the dogs from the handlers