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Obedience - OB1 - OB3

OB1 - Long Down

OB3 - Long Down with Gunfire

** A GDT is NOT required to compete for your OB1 - OB3 Titles **
All exercises start in the basic (sitting in proper heel) position with dog on left/right side.
All dogs shall be wearing a fur saver/choke chain or a flat collar with a leash, 4 - 6ft in length. Your leash will be attached to the dead ring when you step on the field, until you exit the field. Anytime the team halts, the dog will be in the "basic position", sitting on the handlers left/right side with shoulder even with handlers knee.
Leash is to be held in the hand the dog heels on and should be slack at all times.
Teams can opt to have the steward call out the routine or perform the routine from memory. The handler will tell the judge at the start line which they would prefer.
OB1 - Teams need 70 points out of 100 to pass.
OB2 - Teams need 75 points out of 100 to pass.
OB3 - Teams need 80 points out of 100 to pass.
Exercise 1 - Heeling on Leash (30 points)
Starting in the basic position team will heel forward a minimum of 20 paces, execute a left turn, continue 10 paces, execute a right turn, continue 10 paces, execute a right turn, continue 10 paces. Team will stop and meet a friendly stranger and have a 5-10 second conversation. Team will continue 10 paces at a normal pace, execute a right turn and continue 10 paces. Without stopping, handler will change to a fast pace for 10 paces then without stopping will change to a slow pace for 5 paces, normal for 5 paces then stop in the basic position and the exercise complete.
**Any handler influence or dogs that forge forward or lag behind shall result in point deductions.
Exercise 2 - Heeling Through a Crowd (15 points)
On the Judge's signal, the handler and dog will heel forward 10 paces, execute a left turn, continue 10 paces to crowd of a minimum of 4 people. The team will heel a figure eight pattern through the crowd making 1 left turn and 1 right turn and end in the basic position in the center of the group. On the Judge's signal the crowd will move in on the team. At the Judge's signal the crowd will be dismissed. The Judge will then dismiss the team and the exercise is complete.
**The dog is expected to remain neutral around the crowd.
**Dogs that break basic position will incur point deductions.
**Dogs that show any aggression towards the crowd will be an automatic fail and be asked to leave the field.
Exercise 3 - Sit in Motion (15 points)
On the Judge's signal, the handler and dog will heel forward a minimum of 5 paces, handler will give a "sit" command and continue walking without stopping, changing pace, or looking back for 30 paces. The handler will stop and turn to face the dog. On the Judge's signal the handler will return back to their dog to resume basic position. The Judge will instruct the team to heel forward 5 paces to the finish point and the exercise is complete.
Exercise 4 - Down in Motion (20 points)
Starting in the basic position the handler and dog will heel forward 10 paces, the handler will give a "down" command, upon which the dog should "down" promptly. The handler will continue walking without stopping, changing pace or looking back for an additional 30 paces, halt and turn to face the dog. On the Judge's signal, the handler will "recall" their dog to a "front" position. The Judge will signal the handler to "finish" the dog to basic position. The team will then heel to finish line and the exercise is complete.
OB 3 - The dog will be recalled past a decoy in scratch pants and a sleeve or full bite suit.
**Double commands, changing pace or looking back are deemed handler help and will result in point deductions.
Exercise 5 - Jump (10 points)
From basic position 10 feet away from jump.
OB 1 - Over jump and back over jump to basic position.
*Done on leash with the guidance of the handler.
OB 2 - Handler will send dog over the jump then recall back over the jump to handler into the basic position.
OB 3 - Handler will throw approved retrieve article over the jump and send dog over jump to retrieve article. Handler will recall the dog and the dog will proceed back over jump with article to front position, release article to handler. Finish in the basic position.
**Retrieve articles cannot be alive, or have once been alive.
**Any approved retrieve item from another sport such as PSA, Mondio, French Ring or IGP is acceptable. No tugs, balls, or toys of any kind are allowed.
Exercise 6 - Long Down (10 points)
On the Judge's signal, the handler and dog will heal to designated area where the handler will put their dog in a long down. The handler will then be directed to leave dog and move to a designated area, out of sight of the dog. Upon the Judge's instruction, the handler will return to dog and heel back to the designated area and the exercise is complete.
OB 1 - Minimum 1 minute duration
OB 2 - Minimum 2 minute duration
OB 3 - Minimum 2 minute duration with distraction (Gunshots (2), or food or toy placed 4 ft away from the designated area, in sight of the dog. This is judges choice and will be announced at the beginning of the tests).
OB1 - Novice on lead in a controlled heel
OB2 - Intermediate on leash in controlled heel
OB3 - Advanced off leash in controlled heal with distractions
Will be awarded to teams who complete their routine with a focused heel throughout the whole routine at any level.

OB1 - Jump on Leash

OB3 - Retrieve over jump