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Code of Conduct for Irondog Canada Members and Their Dogs
July 4, 2024
The primary objective of the IDC Club is to promote responsible dog ownership through the training, handling and exhibition of dogs in dog sports.
The IDC Club respects the authority of other parties with concern to governance and application of such things as the Canadian Criminal Code, Municipal Bylaws and the rules of conduct for various dog sport associations. However, it’s essential for self-governance that the IDC Club has a well-defined Code of Conduct for members and their dogs as well as a reasonable and clear response should a transgression of this Code occur.
Code of Conduct
IDC Club members shall always be courteous and conduct themselves in a manner that will not bring discredit to the IDC Club or the dog sports in which they are participating.
Similarly, it’s expected that IDC Club members’ dogs behave appropriately and not demonstrate undue aggression at anytime.
The IDC Club defines undue aggression as an unprovoked attack on another dog, animal or human, involving physical contact whether injury occurs or not. Barking, growling, baring of teeth or lunging are undesirable and should be strongly discouraged, but are not considered undue aggression for the purposes of the Code.
For the purposes of this document, “Misconduct” shall include, but not be limited to:
a) IDC Club Members:
1. Abusive or foul language
2. Hostility towards fellow club members, competitors, judges, various association representatives, sponsors, hosts or spectators
3. Inhumane treatment of a dog
4. Demonstration of poor sportsmanship
5. Any other behaviour that may result in an unfavourable opinion of the IDC Club or the dog sport
b) IDC Club Dogs:
1. Acts of undue aggression toward another dog, handler, participant spectator
Incidents of Perceived Misconduct
Incidents of perceived misconduct should be promptly reported to the Board of Directors
Should incidents of perceived misconduct occur that require immediate action, the IDC Club Board of directors may, at their discretion, impose a temporary suspension of the member(s) and/or dog(s) involved from competition, practice or other IDC Club sanctioned events.
Failure of a member to comply with temporary suspension may result in their IDC Club membership being revoked.
Process for Filing a Charge of Misconduct
a) Any individual or organization may file a charge of misconduct against an IDC Club member.
b) All charges of misconduct will be reported to the Board of Directors.
c) The Board of Directors will prepare a written incident report documenting the alleged misconduct based on the testimony of the complainant and any witnesses to the incident. The report will be provided to the defendant and to the IDC Club President or designate, within 72 hours (or as soon as reasonably possible).
d) The defendant must then provide the Board of Directors with a written response to the charges within 72 hours. If the defendant requires an extension of this time limit, prior approval for this must be obtained from the Board of Directors. If the defendant does not provide the Board of Directors with a written response, he or she will be considered to have
e) accepted the allegation without contest. e) The Board of Directors will ensure that the complainant receives a copy of the incident report and a copy of the written response from the defendant, if there is one. If the defendant does not contest the allegation, then a Conduct Hearing, steps (f) through (j) may not be required.
f) Upon receipt of these documents, the IDC Club Board of Directors will set a date, time and place for a Conduct Hearing. Whenever possible, this date should be within two weeks of the charge being made.
g) Both the defendant and the complainant shall be notified as to the date and time of the hearing by the IDC Club Secretary or designate. In the interest of avoiding undue conflict between the defendant and the complainant (and/or the Board of Directors), neither will be permitted to be present during the hearing itself.
h) If either the defendant or the complainant is a member of the IDC Club Board of Directors, he or she will recuse themselves from participation in the Conduct Hearing so as not to vote on or otherwise gain advantage toward the outcome.
i) A Chairperson and a Recording Secretary for the hearing will be appointed from the participating members of the Board Members.
j) The IDC Club Board of Directors may direct requests for additional information to the witnesses of the incident during the Conduct Hearing. If this information is not immediately available, the Board of Directors may choose to adjourn and reconvene the hearing at a later time or date. The IDC Club Secretary, or designate, will advise both parties of the date and time of rescheduling should this occur.
k) As part of its deliberations, the Board of Directors will take into account the past conduct history of the defendant and/or his/her dog.
l) Should a charge of misconduct be accepted by the defendant or reached by a majority vote during a Conduct Hearing, the Board of Directors may suspend, place on probation, or revoke the IDC Club membership of the offender or his/her dog, and/or take any other such action as they deem appropriate.
Consequences for Misconduct
a) Probation – For incidents of minor or initial misconduct the Board of Directors may choose to simply place the offender on probation for the next 2 scheduled events. A member placed on probation may continue to attend IDC Club practices, demos and other public events. If, however, a second proven incident of misconduct occurs during the probationary period, the offender will automatically be suspended from the IDC Club activities for a period of time not to exceed one year.
b) Suspension – In the case of more serious or repeated misconducts, a member may be suspended from some, or all IDC Club activities for a period of time not to exceed one year, depending on the seriousness of the offense.
c) Member Expulsion – In the case of extreme or chronic misconduct, a member may be permanently expelled from the IDC Club.
d) Dog Probation – In the case of minor aggression not resulting in ANY physical injury, the offending dog may continue to attend the IDC Club practices (but not demos or other public events) on a probationary basis for the next 2 scheduled events. Should no further proven incidents of undue aggression occur during the next 2 scheduled events, the Board of Directors may approve the dog’s return to participation in demos or other public events.
e) Dog Suspension – In the case of a second incident of minor aggression, the offending dog will be suspended from participating in any IDC Club activities until such time as it has successfully completed remedial training. Written confirmation from the trainer/behaviourist must be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. In the case of moderate aggression resulting in physical injury, but not serious enough to require veterinary attention, the offending dog may not participate in any IDC Club activities until such time as it has successfully completed remedial training. Written confirmation from the trainer/behaviourist must be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval.
f) Dog Expulsion – In the case of a third incident of minor aggression or a second incident of moderate aggression, the offending dog will be banned from all further IDC Club activities. In the case of extreme aggression resulting in serious injury requiring veterinary attention, the offending dog will be banned from all further IDC Club activities.
After the Board of Directors has made its ruling and determined what, if any, censure or sanctions will be imposed, the hearing Chairperson shall notify the defendant and the complainant of the ruling and any censure or sanctions to be imposed. The Hearing Secretary shall prepare a report of the proceedings for the records and send a duplicate copy to the defendant and the complainant.
All rulings of the Board of Directors regarding charges of misconduct shall be final.
No set of guidelines can cover all individual situations that can and will arise. Thus, when individual situations not
explicitly covered by these guidelines do arise, the Club Executive will determine an appropriate response.
It’s understood that any such response shall be in keeping with the general principles outlined in this policy