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Guard Dog Temperament: GDT

**Any dogs wanting to compete towards an IDC3 or IDC5 Title are required to obtain their GDT first**
Obedience/Temperament Portion
**Test must be performed on a loose leash in a controlled heel. Leash will be 3ft long attached to the dead ring of a Fur Saver or choke chain
Team enters field in a controlled heel to designated area to report in with Judge. On Judges signal, team will heel forward 20 paces, right turn, heel 15 paces, left turn, heel 15 paces, about turn, pause 5 seconds
Heel 10 paces, stop and down your dog, handler to proceed ahead without dog 20 paces, stop and turn towards dog. On judge's signal, recall dog to a front position, pause 3-5 seconds, finish in the basic position.
** Handler has 2 attempts to recall dog. The Handler can take 1 step to grab dog, but not 2.
Heel 10 paces to a friendly stranger, shake hands and have a 10 second conversation *dog must be calm (no fear or aggression) can show happiness with no jumping*. Heel forward 10 paces to Judge to report out.
Protection Portion
Phase 1 - Appraisal bite
Team will approach Judge for Check-in in a heel. On judges command, heel to designated area where helper is visible. Dog may now be “turned on”. Helper will approach to give dog an appraisal bite. Helper will use a “stick” (either padded or clatter) in a threatening manner. When dog is on the bite, the helper will give the dog 2 stick hits using either a clatter stick or padded stick. Helper will then lock up facing judge and handler. Handler, will command the dog to out.
*3 attempts are allowed to out dog. If dog does not out after 3 attempts it is an automatic fail.
Phase 2 with hidden decoy in Blind
Heel to start line. Put dog in sit. Team will heel forward towards the blind. Judge will signal helper to come out of blind in a threatening manner. Handler will drop the leash with command to attack helper. When dog is on the bite, helper will drive the dog giving 2 stick hits. Helper will lock up. Handler will out the dog. During the out the dog is to stay with the helper performing a bark and hold or a silent guard. On the Judges signal, handler will pick up dog and heel away to judge to report out.
**if dog does not out in 3 attempts, it is an automatic fail.